Kinesiology, Reflexology and Natural Nutrition in North East Fife & Tayside


Optimal Health Balance Kinesiology  and Touch For Health Kinesiology Training in North Fife

Venue: The Larick Centre, Tayport or Weavers Well Therapies, Gauldry.


This is a 6 hour workshop introducing participants to the technique of muscle response testing and how to work with symbols to identify imbalances in a person's body/ being. The workshop is designed to enable people to learn simple but effective tools to help them manage life's challenges in a positive and empowered way. It provides participants with a good framework for practising muscle response testing and following the workshop, practice days and an online group are available to provide ongoing support in becoming really confident in using the skills learned in the workshop.

The Mini Balance is a much simplified version of the main OHB balancing system. It uses symbol icons from the full OHB system and follows the same balancing sequence. This makes it an excellent introduction to the OHB way of working and for those with a professional interest in learning OHB Kinesiology, the Mini Balance workshop is a really useful start.
The cost of £60.00 includes a manual and a pack of icon cards.

An online practice group takes place twice a month and is avaiable for anyone who has completed the Mini Balance course to join. It is a small,friendly and supportive group ans people, who are curious to know more about the MIni Balance process can also join us for a session to learn more and experience what is involved.

Mini Balance workshops run once a month usually at Weavers Well Therapies unless a bigger venue is required. Next course Saturday 18th May 10.00 - 16.00

OHB - Optimum Health Balance Kinesioogy - PRACTITIONER TRAINING
Certified by the The School of Optimum Health Balance Kineisology and recognised by the KF Kinesiology Foundation

Practitioner Training  - starts with the Foundation Training - TFH 1 - 4

Foundation TFH 3 - May 13th and May 24th, TFH 4 - July 26th and 27th.

New TFH 1 course - Sat 1st June and Sun 2nd June: 10.00 - 17.00. 
2 hour workshop on Frid 31st May - 16.00 - 18.00 for participants new to muscle response testing
Venue - see below

OHB Modules  1 - 6  Courses start September 24 for those who have completed the foundation training.

Intermediate Assessment after completion of Module 6

OHB Modules 7 - 10 Courses start April 2025

Final Assessment after completion of assignments/ homework.

Each of these 2 day workshops builds on the work done in previous workshops. The basic system structure presented in Module 1 is expanded further in each Module providing more and more tools to enable students to learn how to " delve deeper" in order to gather all the layers of information the person's body indicates as relevant. The more specific the information, the more specific the treatment. The whole treatment process is always guided by muscle testing responses (the innate wisdom of the client's body) and thus each client receives a treatment tailored to their personal, individual needs.
Modules 2 - 10 include homework to be completed, not as a test but as an aid for participants to ensure that they have understood the previous Module material before moving on to the next Module. Practice days are available at regular intervals throughout the training.


  I offer certificated TFH courses  1 - 4. These courses are designed to enable lay people to learn how to use kinesiology balancing techniques and processes to support their own and their family's health and wellbeing. The courses are certified by the International Kinesiology College (IKC) based in Switzerland and are recognised internationally.  For people interested in professional kinesiology training, TFH 1 - 4 courses provide a sound knowledge base to build on and are included in many kinesiology training schedules as a requirement.

Courses are held at Weavers Well Therapies in Gauldry for groups of up to 4 people. Next course - TFH 3 - Mon May 13th and Frid May 24th

Courses for larger groups are held at the Larick Centre, Tayport and run over two days for each course, from 10.00 am - 17.00 pm with a break for lunch which can be purchased in the Larick Cafe.

.Practice days - these  3 hour sessions take place once a month to help participants gain confidence in using the skills they learned during the course. They also have the opportunity to give and receive a balancing treatment and to ask questions, review their learning etc. 

For further information contact:
weaverswelltherapies or text 07541120450.



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